Margaret Ewalt

Margaret Ewalt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Greene 522
Enlightenment in Spain and Spanish America, 18th and 19th Century Latin American Literature, and Colonial Spanish Literature
Margaret Ewalt, Associate Professor of Spanish, has been teaching at Wake Forest University since 2001. She received her B.A. from Colby College, Maine and her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. Profesora Ewalt loves teaching all levels of the Spanish curriculum, from true beginners in 111 through seminars on the Enlightenment in Spain and Spanish America and Transatlantic Travel Literature. She is the author of Peripheral Wonders: Nature, Knowledge, and Enlightenment in the Eighteenth-Century Orinoco (Bucknell University Press) and several articles on eighteenth-century natural history writing.
- SPA 111: Elementary Spanish I
- SPA 154: Accelerated Intermediate Spanish
- SPA 212: Exploring the Hispanic World
- SPA 318: The Andes to Patagonia: Interdisciplinary Approaches to South American Culture
- SPA 343: Travel Literature