Daniel Jung

Daniel Jung, Ph.D.
Assistant Teaching Professor
Greene 517
Second Language Acquisition, World Language Pedagogy, and Hispanic Linguistics
Daniel Jung (PhD, Indiana University) is an Assistant Teaching Professor. Prior to joining Wake Forest University, he has taught Spanish courses at all levels in a wide range of contexts, including several universities in Indiana as well as immersion programs abroad in Mexico and Spain. His research focuses on the role that Individual Differences (such as Motivation and Engagement) play in the acquisition of additional languages. Specifically, he is interested in how different levels of motivation and engagement influences course outcomes during instruction, as well as how motivation relates to the acquisition of sociolinguistic and pragmatic features. In his free time, he’s an avid reader and language learner.
- SPA 113: Intensive Elementary Spanish
- SPA 153: Intermediate Spanish
- SPA 212: Exploring the Hispanic World
- SPA 303: Spanish Conversation